Wash your face before wearing a mask: Dirt and oil on your skin will get trapped under the mask and can cause breakouts. Always put your mask on over a clean face.

Apply a good moisturizer: Moisturizer keeps your skin hydrated and acts like a barrier to friction from your mask. Look for protective ingredients like ceramide and hyaluronic acid. Avoid heavy products that can clog your skin and make you break out.

Skip the makeup: Don’t wear makeup underneath your mask. Masks act like occlusive barriers, which means trapped makeup can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Also, residue from makeup can soil your mask fabric.

Wear only clean masks: Dirt and oil from your skin plus bacteria will end up on your cloth mask. Keep a rotation of masks on hand and wash them after use.

Stick to fragrance-free laundry detergent: When washing your mask, choose a fragrance-free laundry detergent and lay flat to dry. Fragrance within fabric can be an irritant, so you definitely don’t want it on your face.

Don’t reuse surgical masks: Surgical masks are not meant to be reused because there is no good way to clean them.

Benefits of a facial: A regular facial will deep cleanse and the nourish the skin and enjoy the added benefits of stress reduction and relaxation.
